Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How do I tell my hairdresser to be GENTLE with my hair??

ok im a bit weird..i have a phobia of hairdressers and salons (its true)..i always bring my own hair cutting scissors, brush /combs, spray bottle and any hair styling products with me..anyways yesterday i went and got my hair trimmed after a year..i went to a high end salon and my mom was with me..the stylist was pulling on my hair with the comb and she was rushing it..i had wet hair and i could feel my hair breaking..this might be not seem like a big deal for people with short hair but mine is waist length and im growing it longer..when i brush my hair at home i take 30-40 mins to detangle and 10 mins to brush..i might just give up on the going to the salon and just trim my own hair..i'm just really sad =(

How do I tell my hairdresser to be GENTLE with my hair??

That's not acceptable... i would say trim your own hair, or get your mom or a friend to do it. if your hair is all one length than this should be easy. If you want them to be gentle, just say it. or you can get your mom to lol

How do I tell my hairdresser to be GENTLE with my hair??

Never go back to that salon.

How do I tell my hairdresser to be GENTLE with my hair??

pick a stylist by calling around to several first and tell them u r tender headed and that your hair is very long and fragile and tht you are looking for a new stylist because you are tired of the last one pulling your hair hard and breaking it and ask them if they are willing to be gentle with you..also make sure you purchase a very high quality pair of scissors designed to be used by a professional from a beauty supply store as regular scissors will damage your hair a lot..if the stylist doesnt sound like they are willing to take u seriously over the phone then call another one if they sound like they might be ok then tell them to set u up with an appointment and tell them u will give them a try and will come back to them only if they do a good job and dont break your hair. honestly what u really need to find is a gay male hairdresser as they tend to be more sensitive what you have been experiencing in the past is dressers that are actually jealous of your hair who were damaging it on purpose or on an unconcious level.

How do I tell my hairdresser to be GENTLE with my hair??

I am a retired Hairdresser. I would have sprayed your hair with a de-tangler, this helps with the tangles because it lays the cuticle down and causes the hair to feel smoother. I would also use a wide tooth comb so the hair would not pull and break off. If this Hairdress was hurting you or actually breaking your hair you need to speak up and tell her. I would have never wanted to intentionaly hurt someone in all the years I did hair. I loved my work and wanted my customers to love coming to me. Maybe try another Hairdresser, if telling this one does not work. There are many wonderful hairdressers out there. I actually have found two I just love and that is something for an x-hairdreser. My best to you, Hope you fine someone who will make you happy.

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