He has long hair now. Should he cut it? If so, how much? What style would look best? Thanks!
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
OMJ! i love Joe!! lol i think he looks better with long hair like he has now but i also love him with the joehawk lol either way he looks hott i dont think he should cute it cuz he looks good but if he did he would still be one of the most Sexiest people alive!! lol I LUV JB %26lt;3 =D
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
NO WAY! he used to be ugly!! now he is HOTT
hotter than nick.
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
i like it in a mo-hawk so i gues short...long is ugly to me.
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
i liked the Jo-hawk
now it is too long, he shouldnt do the johawk again tho, just cut his hair shorter like kevins, but different
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
i like the JoeHawk it was soo cute! then when he cut it i got all sad but now im used to the long hair and think it is very cute! But to answer your question i think he looks good with any hair as long as he is wearing it on HIS face! lol
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
joe is ugly with both nick is sssssoooooooooooooooooo hot sssssssssssssssooooooooooooooo hot i love him
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
His is cute with short or long hair, he is such a hottie. a couple times when his hair looks extra fantastic:
I wanna be like you music video
Kids of the future at DC games
On the Bonas Jonas CD concert in NY!
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
awwwww, Joe's hair was sooooo CUTE%26lt;3 on HM
and the Jo-Hawk was amazingggggg [:
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
i like the long hair look on him. i mean, he can totally pull off the short hair (joe-hawk) look back again. but the long hair one fits him better.
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
well he looks more of a rockish guy now and i kinda like it but he looked so cute with his Joe-hawk iloved it
it dosent really matter to me he is hot both ways.........lol
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
He looks better with short hair. I loved the Johawk.
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
I like it when its longer and a little curly, hes so hot
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
He looks good with both hair but I kinda miss the joehawk
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
i think he looks awful !
i miss the JOEHAWK !! :( :( :(
but when his hair was a little long %26amp; straight, it looked awesome.
but its tooo long now, i hope its not going to be like that in
Camp Rock!
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
Okay wow he looks HAWT both ways but I like short with a "joehawk" better (no i didn't get that from the user above me lol that's what i've always called it and by the way i liked the joe bros before they were completely famous!) but i still like his japanime hair. (he says that's what he modeled his hair after)
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
I like it in between, "so like, medium, medium rare (joe jonas)." His hair was cute in that interview too. He is cute no matter what!
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
looks wayyy better long
Do you think JOE JONAS looks better with long or short hair?
omg long hair [=
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