Monday, April 23, 2012

Short Hair Question?

I have shoulder length brown hair which I am rapidly getting bored of and I want to liven it up - to that end I am thinking of getting it cropped but I'm not sure what kind of style to go for? I am 5 '7", slim and I have very visible cheekbones - what should I go for? Also, what do any of you boys out there think of short hair on a girl? I ask because my male friends tell me they think it means a girl is a lesbian (wtf???) am worried many guys will think of it this way.... anyway yeah rambling over - HELP!!

Short Hair Question?

I love to see women with short hair its so neat and stylish i say go for it babe XXX

Short Hair Question?


Short Hair Question?

I think ladies can look very sexy with short hair.

Short Hair Question?

I think the vicoria beckham style is really nice for short hair. Its becoming very popular and looks good on a lot of girls. As far as guys thinking short hair is for lesbians, I dunno. I have shorter hair, and I haven't been told I looked like a lesbian. lol.

Short Hair Question?

when you have a round face with chubby cheeks, longer hairstyles suit you better. but you, my dear, have prominent cheekbones, thus, a short hair cut is perfect for you :) its fashionable, and this is coming from someone with bum-length hair.

side swept bangs are very popular right now and suit just about anyone. just be sure to layer it a fair bit to avoid have it look dull.

Short Hair Question?

you could get it cut shorter and layered/feathered. and i think the reasons your friend said that is because, supposedly in a relationship between people of the same sex, there is a more masculine partner and a more feminine partner.

Short Hair Question?

Try changing your color with some caramel or honey colored highlights. Maybe some angles in the front to show off those cheekbones:) That may ease the boredom.

Most guys prefer longer hair. I always asked this question and for whatever reason most men always say LONG hair is sexy. As for short hair meaning your a lesbian that is just crazy!

Color can be changed but short hair takes months (even years) to grow back. . . .

Short Hair Question?

unfortunately, lesbians are generally stereotyped as having short hair, but this doesnt put the men off, they still have a go, more so cos they feel you are a challenge. most men love the lesbian fantasy.... personally, i think if you are feminine and attractive it shouldn't be a prob, and who cares any way, you should do it for yourself and not care what others think. from the way you described yourself, i think short hair will look great. if your cheek bones are a strong as you say, its probably the best style you could wear. go super short, its very sexy as it shows confidence. be warned though, some men can feel threatened and intimidated by short hair!

Short Hair Question?

Get a short bob (Inverted) It will show off those cheeks.

Yes guys like short hair... You can get to the neck EZ Nothing better than a kiss on the nape!!!

Short Hair Question?

Don't worry what tiny minds think aboiut short hair on females. If you cut it really short, you will suddenly discover a new bunch of guys who find it very intriguing. Go for a Buzz!

Short Hair Question?

Your face shape sounds a lot like mine. Well personally I had hair that was like halfway down my back and went for it. People say my short hair looks better than the long hair. I sometimes wish it to be back though and even think of getting extensions. HOWEVER it is HOT and guys really do love it.

I love it too I just get bored and don't have enough hair to play with. Anyway I'm sure you will look beautiful on whatever you decide.

Short Hair Question?

try putting lots of layers through it and add some colour...

Short Hair Question?

Haha, when i told my guy friends i was getting my hair cut short, they too told me i would look like a lesbian.

Ignore them, they don't know anything. A lot of guys like short hair on a girl.

I have an asymmetric cut. So it is short on one side, but longer on the other. So still short, but without the apparent 'lesbian hairstyle'.

It looks really good, and there are loads of different asymmetric cuts you can get. Have a look on the net and see :)

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