Monday, April 16, 2012

I havent gotten my hair done in AWHILE would this look good? Pics included..?

Please tell me your honest opinion on if this would look good? I want my hair shorter and easy to do since im a new stay at home mom. My hair is boring and blah brown im thinking of going a LITTLE bit of blonde and shorter. What do you think of these?

This is me:

This is the COLOR i was thinking about:

And this is the hair style:


I havent gotten my hair done in AWHILE would this look good? Pics included..?

I think its super cute, definitely go for it! Your hair is pretty the way it is, but its always feels great to get a new hairstyle. If you do it, I can't wait to see a pic!

I havent gotten my hair done in AWHILE would this look good? Pics included..?

I think..

that would look great


the color and the style reallly go good together

I havent gotten my hair done in AWHILE would this look good? Pics included..?

i dont like the blond you could just get a honey brown/blonde colour that would look good.

I havent gotten my hair done in AWHILE would this look good? Pics included..?

The haircut is great, not too different, and looks easy to take care of. it looks like you have a new baby, so the color might be more high maintenance than you can do right now. You might want to try some highlights and stay within 2 shades of your natural haircolor. This will make trips to the salon further apart, easier on your time and money.

The color by the way would look really nice on you.

I havent gotten my hair done in AWHILE would this look good? Pics included..?

Well, I think you should go with a little darker haircolor than the picture you had showed. I do loove the hairstyle though.

Maybe like this

or this color

I do like the style though .. so just hopefully you can find ou the color .. :)

I went from here

to here

and I love it but som epeople liek my blonde and I don't. haha

I havent gotten my hair done in AWHILE would this look good? Pics included..?

Okay to begin with, you're natural hair is not boring and blah, it's pretty (I love dark hair though). I guess we always want what we don't have. LOL

I like the style....I think it would look good on you. You should get the side bangs too. The color is nice, but I don't know if I would go quite that light. That's kind of a big change. Maybe just a shade darker than in the pic? And I would keep some of your natural color if I were you. Like color the top part, but keep your natural color underneath. I think that would look great.

And congratulations by the way...just adorable! :)

I havent gotten my hair done in AWHILE would this look good? Pics included..?

The hair cut looks pretty good but I would go with a darker blonde like maybe one of these two shades of blonde:

That color is a medium ash blonde

and this color is actually dark ash blonde but instead of doing the ash part on this one I would do the golden.

Then you could also think about these hair cuts:

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