Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How can i style my hair? is shorter in the back then in the frount i just want it to look more emo.?

my hair is black and reall really short in the back then in the frount its longer bangs and i want to put blonde and pink in it so hope you can help!!!

How can i style my hair? is shorter in the back then in the frount i just want it to look more emo.?

use wash-in dyes from hot topic to do the colors, but to style it, backcomb anything past your band line, put a small bit of wax/gel/gum [i love garnier surf gum] in your palm, and just ruffle it throught the back, keeping the front straight. easy as.

How can i style my hair? is shorter in the back then in the frount i just want it to look more emo.?

i would say to make it look more emo use some gel or hair spry and direct everything towars the front. as if there was a high power fan on the back of your neck or something...hahaha...

How can i style my hair? is shorter in the back then in the frount i just want it to look more emo.?

Try little bows or headbands. And bold coloured streaks are more "scene" than emo, but just one blonde streak would look emo. Red is definetely emo.

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