Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I have just had my hair cut really short and I need style advice?

How can I put it up for school and so on? Im used to having really long hair but now it's shorter than shoulder length.

I have just had my hair cut really short and I need style advice?

have u tried just putting it up normally? then clipping the layers or shorter bits up with some clips?

or you could put it in bunches.

I have just had my hair cut really short and I need style advice?

try some french plaits and then your hair is all put up in the plaits xx if the hair is still falling out, use grips

I have just had my hair cut really short and I need style advice?

it depends how ur hair was cut short in the first place...i mean...i'm not sure with the boy-cut but if its a short bob then maybe u cud try wearing hair accessories such as headbands or maybe u cud add a long side fringe/bangs or sumth...if u dont have one u cud side part it. U cud even try curling ur hair wid sum tongs for the beachy kinda wavy messed up look. check out rihanna for some inspiration!!!!

I have just had my hair cut really short and I need style advice?

get some MOUSSE and spread all over it. THen you have it kind of spunky. It is really cute:-))

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