Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hair loss in the shower?

I am a 19 yr old guy with short hair and today in the shower lost upto 20 hairs. I was washing my hair after a gap of 4-5 days and my hair style is such that i do not comb or brush at all. So could this be the normal amount of daily hair loss or is it something to worry about ?!?

Hair loss in the shower?

It's normal because we lose tons of hair each day (I can't remember the exact amount), so don't worry.

Hair loss in the shower?

you probably just need to take some vitamins.

Hair loss in the shower?

It;s very normal :]... everyone loses up to 1,000 hairs a day! So dont worry!

Hair loss in the shower?

it's probably just the cumulative hair loss after five days

to be safe, start taking zinc and vitamin A to strengthen your hair =) or a daily multivitamin

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