Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What should i do with my two- tone ugly hair?

I died my hair dark brown and it turned orange. my parents won't let me dye it again. Now its growing out and the top half of my hair is my natural color(light brown) and the bottom half is orange. Everyone makes fun of it. i tell them that i like it and to shut up, but i really hate it! I cant cut it cuz i hate short hair on me. What should i do?! I need like a hair style to cover it up.

What should i do with my two- tone ugly hair?

What color was your hair before you dyed it? Did you DYE it or BLEACH it? Unproper bleaching can cause your hair to turn orange.

It could very well have been the brand of the dye or bleach. Some dyes/bleaches aren't very good. The best brand in a regular drug store would be loreal. Its usually about 10 dollars too. You can find an amazing bleaching kit at Sally's Beauty Supply called radical bleach kit. Its cheap too :)

Tell your parents that people are making fun of you, maybe they'll have some sympathy. Ask them if you can dye it back to the natural color so you won't have to dye it ever again.

As for hairstyles, you can't really cover up roots. I would try a hat or hairband.

Good luck!

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